
Travelling south...

Wednesday 29th July
We started on the long haul to SoCal.
We planned to stay overnight with our good friends The Elliotts in Riverside,CA.
It is always an adventure there with all their wild life. Andrew had a great time chasing lizards, watching hummingbirds, catching june bugs, seeing wasps catch terantullas...seriously, this did happen..sorry I didn't get it on camera. So here is what I did catch on camera of our adventures there.
Chilling on the patio...
renewing fellowship with friends....Alistair and Lizette Winters... I spy with my little eyes...Lizards...this one just came out for a few seconds before retreating back under the umbrella stand...

Old Ben, he came with them from Scotland... The Hummingbirds were hard to capture on camera..they are fast

Even though it was July, Pastor Elliott was able to catch a june bug and put a string on his leg..watch the video below and you will see what happened...

What a safari we had just in the back yard and our holiday had only begun!

I almost forgot to let you see the glorious sunsets at the Elliotts resort.Spectacular or what?You would think it was some faraway tropical paradise...well I suppose it is!!

Truly the lines have fallen to us in pleasant places...

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