When I got back into knitting again the girls thought it would be a good idea for mum to knit them something. Good idea in theory!! So you will notice that there are no pictures of the item Lois chose. ( maybe she would have needed an arm extension to fit it!? ) However, Esther 13, chose something with short sleeves which worked out better. This little bolero jacket was easy to knit once you got into the pattern. The longest part was the band around the sleeves and edge of the jacket. Knitting 6 stitches for 25 inches got a bit tedious, but we got there in the end.
This is the original pattern .....I didn't use the exact same wool so it dosn't have the exact same texture and look but its near enough. Esther likes it and it fits!!
.....Here is the pattern if you would like to try it yourself.
It is straight forward enough. If you know the basics
you'll have no problems.
Sorry it is a bit crumpled after I finished with it but
still legible.
Yours is much prettier, you did an amazing job! How do I link this to my favorites instead of the old one?
Thanks Jacque,
I'm not sure if this is Jacque Green or not. I'm assuming it is. Just take a note of the url address and that should get you here. Other than that you can register at Google reader on the google page and then subscribe to this blog. You can see the additions without going to the blog every time.
Thanks again.
I agree with Jacque, I'd rather have Esther's than the original. Great job. I knit loads when I was younger but never really did any jobs as difficult as this one.
What beautiful handiwork!
I'm so glad we can be blogging friends!!
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