Yesterday Immanuel Baptist Church hosted a Ladies teaching morning for Veritas Church of Roseville.
Mrs Kristin Meyers was the speaker and her topic was
The Preeminence of Christ in all of Life

We began by considering what our lives may be like when Christ is not preeminent. The different things that take His place things, people that we worship instead of Him. No matter whether it is our spouse, our kids, our health, money, success we can put all these things in the place of Christ. Giving all our attention, all our love, all our devotion to them and not to Christ.
After a break for some coffee and wonderful brunch snacks we came back for our second session.
We were called in Session 2 to look at Christ as the supplanter of idols.
There were two phrases Kristin used that spoke to me the most.
The first was....
"Christ has no peers."
It is not so much that I have people or things I put above Christ but that I put Him on the same level as my housework or the kids or my love for Robert. These were his 'peers' and just as bad as putting things in His place. The more I considered this the more I realized I think about Christ the same way I think about going for the groceries, or getting the chores done. Just something else I need to Christ, read His word, etc,.
The second phrase was....
"We need to re-treasure Christ."
I saw afresh that this is what I needed to do. I need to have Him in His proper place - first and above all in my life. Christ needs to be above my love for Robert and the children, above my need to do housework, or run or teach the kids or anything else that I might think is just as important.
I need to treasure Christ again.
God through John in Revelation puts it this way when he speaks to the church at Ephesus....
'I know your works, your labor, your patience and that you cannot bear those who are have persevered and have patience and have labored for my names sake and have not become weary. Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love." Rev 2:1-4
All the things I put on the same level as Christ are legitimate, necessary and good things but I need to love Christ more, adore Him most of all and be devoted to Him first.
Yesterday was an excellent day. I thank God for my friends in Veritas and for their commitment to Christ and the gospel. Thank you ladies for all the work and effort you put into yesterday, may Christ be praised and God have all the glory.
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