
John Harper - Titanic Hero and Man of God

I found this article when I was looking for a picture of John Harper.

(click each page to read the article)
When my husband, Robert was born his parents attended Harper Memorial Baptist Church, Glasgow, his father was a deacon there.
John Harper was the first Pastor of that church. He eventually left to take up a charge in London but after he died the church decided to remember this man of God.

Such was the affection and esteem in which he was held by the church members, that, when the present stone building was opened in 1922, the church was named
“Harper Memorial Baptist Church”.

I was going to write some excerpts from a book by Moody Adams called 'The Titanic's Last Hero' before I found this article. It is an account of John Harper's life from comments of acquaintances and converts that his brother, Pastor George Harper requested be written. I would recommend the book as it covers more of his life than the last few tragic hours. I will finish with a quote from it.

"When the flames of other ambitions flickered and died,
John Harper's burned even brighter
as he sank to a watery grave.
When death forced others to face
the folly of their life's pursuits,
John Harper's goal of winning men to
Jesus Christ became more vital as he
breathed his final breaths"


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your site :)


Daniel Bennett said...

A good gospel site. Thanks for the work you have done in posting these things. I heard on Focus on the Family today, the story of John Harper and so I went googling. I'm going to make up a tract for giving out to people and I think this is a powerful story which I can use.
Daniel Bennett
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Sreedhar Jeshurun said...

Praise God for the wonderful testimony of John Harper!People knows that the titanic story is a magnificient story but Almighty God even showed his Amazing grace in this ship.It's truly Amazing Grace of God!

May God bless your blog and ministry!